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​Activity content

It has been half a century since the Negoro Lullaby Preservation Society started its activities.


01 01

​Activities at elementary schools and nursery schools in Iwade city

Lullabies are a valuable asset that lives in the local area. I want to keep it accurate and pass it on to future generations. With that in mind, we carry out activities every year at elementary schools and daycare centers in Iwade City.

02 02

​Consolation to social welfare facilities

​We provide consolation to various social welfare facilities.


03 03

​Participation in Kakuban festivals and city events

Kakuban Festival held at Negoroji Temple every November​ We also participate in forums aimed at passing on the charm of our hometown to children.


​Creating a picture book of "Negoro no Komoriuta"

We have made a book that makes it easy to understand the background, such as the history and legends that remain in the local area along with lullabies. Nowadays, the chances of succession and dissemination are decreasing, and I thought "Is there anything I can do now?" And "I want to leave our enthusiasm to posterity."

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