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​What is a
Negoro lullaby?


​What is a Negoro lullaby?

This lullaby has spread from the latter half of the Edo period, when Negoroji's immovable beliefs were popular, to the Kinokawasuji area centered on Negoroji, and to the Arita region in the south, and has been sung for 400 years. ..

It incorporates local features and scenery, and features emotionally rich lyrics.


Negoroji Temple begins when Kakuban moved the Denpoin from Mt. Koya to Negoro. The people of the Daidenhoin moved to the land of origin and made the town huge. During the Muromachi and Sengoku eras, lacquer ware and blacksmith craftsmen gathered to support their lives, and guns and armor were also manufactured.


In 1585, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi attacked Kishu, Negoroji was destroyed by fire. Reconstruction was not allowed for a while after that, but in the Edo period, it was reconstructed under the protection of the Kishu Tokugawa family. The area around Negoroji Temple became a rural area, and Nishisakamoto, a town in front of the gate, prospered by many worshipers.

This lullaby has passed down the history of the town and has been sung without being forgotten.

​Negoro lullaby

1.  The bell that rings like Nen Nen Negoro can be heard.

2. Nen Nen Negoro's Kakuban Mountain, come and see the pigeons cry「TOSYOJI KOIYO」

3.  I want to go to Nen Nen Negoro, but the  River is scared. The Kinokawa River is ..

4. Sansa Sakamoto, the approach to the shrine, does not need a broom. because the clothes of the worshipers will make it beautiful.

5. Sansa Sakamoto Muroya's daughter  was married to JuJyaike

6. Garyu-pine tree that grows sideways in front of the Negoro Tower

7. The bell that looks like Nene Negoro is 

I can hear Ichiri and it sounds Niri

※ Nen Nen has no meaning

​※Ichiri is a unit of length in the shakkanho method, which is about 4 kilometers in Japan.

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